Movies Detail of L'âge des possibles (1995)
✓ Title : L'âge des possibles
✓ Release Date : January 7th, 1995
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Directors : Pascale Ferran, Antoine Garceau, Sébastien Bourlard
✓ Writers : Pascale Ferran, Anne-Louise Trividic
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Christèle Tual, Antoine Mathieu, Sandrine Attard, Jérémie Oler, Anne Cantineau, Isabelle Olive, David Gouhier, Anne Caillere, Arnaud Simon, Nicolas Pirson
✓ Release Date : January 7th, 1995
✓ Runtime : 105 minutes
✓ Directors : Pascale Ferran, Antoine Garceau, Sébastien Bourlard
✓ Writers : Pascale Ferran, Anne-Louise Trividic
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Christèle Tual, Antoine Mathieu, Sandrine Attard, Jérémie Oler, Anne Cantineau, Isabelle Olive, David Gouhier, Anne Caillere, Arnaud Simon, Nicolas Pirson
Synopsis of L'âge des possibles (1995)
Ten young people ( boys and girls) at the age at which all is possible. They meet, they love, they choose. The film comes and goes between all those people, revealing their anguish, their dreams, depicting the portrait of a generation of the '90s which has both the fury and the fear of life.
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Well, L'âge des possibles (1995) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The L'âge des possibles (1995) itselft directed by Pascale Ferran, Antoine Garceau, Sébastien Bourlard and Starring by Christèle Tual, Antoine Mathieu, Sandrine Attard, Jérémie Oler, Anne Cantineau, Isabelle Olive, David Gouhier, Anne Caillere, Arnaud Simon, Nicolas Pirson which made L'âge des possibles (1995) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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