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『Full-Hd』Watch! RED 2 Full (2013) Online Free Movie Download
@ | Thursday, Jul 18, 2013 | 8 minutes read | Update at Thursday, Jul 18, 2013

Movies Detail of RED 2 (2013)

✓ Title : RED 2
✓ Release Date : July 18th, 2013
✓ Genres : Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 116 minutes
✓ Directors : Dean Parisot, Sean Guest, Anna Worley, Sharon Mansfield, Cliff Lanning, Rob Burgess
✓ Writers : Warren Ellis, Erich Hoeber, Jon Hoeber, Cully Hamner
✓ Companies : Di Bonaventura Pictures, Summit Entertainment, DC Comics, DC Entertainment
✓ Countries : Canada, France, United States of America
✓ Cast : Bruce Willis, Anthony Hopkins, Mary-Louise Parker, David Thewlis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Neal McDonough, Lee Byung-hun, Brian Cox

Synopsis of RED 2 (2013)

Retired C.I.A. agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing portable nuclear device.

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Well, RED 2 (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The RED 2 (2013) itselft directed by Dean Parisot, Sean Guest, Anna Worley, Sharon Mansfield, Cliff Lanning, Rob Burgess and Starring by Bruce Willis, Anthony Hopkins, Mary-Louise Parker, David Thewlis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Neal McDonough, Lee Byung-hun, Brian Cox which made RED 2 (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

RED 2 (2013)

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