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@ | Friday, Mar 19, 2004 | 8 minutes read | Update at Friday, Mar 19, 2004

Movies Detail of Bad Education (2004)

✓ Title : Bad Education
✓ Original Title : La mala educación
✓ Release Date : March 19th, 2004
✓ Genres : Crime, Drama, Romance, Thriller, Mystery
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : Pedro Almodóvar
✓ Writer : Pedro Almodóvar
✓ Companies : Canal+ España, El Deseo, TVE
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Lluís Homar, Fele Martínez, Raúl García Forneiro, Alberto Ferreiro, Gael García Bernal, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Nacho Pérez, Francisco Boira, Francisco Maestre, Javier Cámara

Synopsis of Bad Education (2004)

Two children, Ignacio and Enrique, know love, the movies and fear in a religious school at the beginning of the 1960s. Father Manolo, director of the school and its professor of literature, is witness to and part of these discoveries. The three are followed through the next few decades, their reunion marking life and death.

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Well, Bad Education (2004) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bad Education (2004) itselft directed by Pedro Almodóvar and Starring by Lluís Homar, Fele Martínez, Raúl García Forneiro, Alberto Ferreiro, Gael García Bernal, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Nacho Pérez, Francisco Boira, Francisco Maestre, Javier Cámara which made Bad Education (2004) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bad Education (2004)

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