Movies Detail of The Longest Distance (2013)
✓ Title : The Longest Distance
✓ Original Title : La distancia más larga
✓ Release Date : August 30th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Directors : Claudia Pinto Emperador, Mariella Pérez
✓ Writer : Claudia Pinto Emperador
✓ Companies : Castro PC, Sin Rodeos Films C.A., Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía (CNAC)
✓ Countries : Spain, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Isabel Rocatti, Alec Whaite, Marcos Moreno, José Roberto Díaz, Malena González, Omar Moya, Alberto Rowinsky, Iván Tamayo, Carme Elias, Beatriz Vásquez
✓ Original Title : La distancia más larga
✓ Release Date : August 30th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Directors : Claudia Pinto Emperador, Mariella Pérez
✓ Writer : Claudia Pinto Emperador
✓ Companies : Castro PC, Sin Rodeos Films C.A., Centro Nacional Autónomo de Cinematografía (CNAC)
✓ Countries : Spain, Venezuela
✓ Cast : Isabel Rocatti, Alec Whaite, Marcos Moreno, José Roberto Díaz, Malena González, Omar Moya, Alberto Rowinsky, Iván Tamayo, Carme Elias, Beatriz Vásquez
Synopsis of The Longest Distance (2013)
Two sides of the same country: a chaotic and violent city contrasting against a natural paradise where the oldest mountains on the planet can be found. Two main characters that find each other at a crucial moment. Two fearless journeys, one that begins as a childlike adventure and ends up on the other side of the country and a one-way journey, free and determined. The same destiny will inevitably bond a woman with her grandson. Without knowing it they are part of an unbreakable family circle that deeply unites them. Second opportunities will arise while individual freedom of choice will become imposing. Everything comes together to tell us: there is only one destiny, the one you choose for yourself.
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Well, The Longest Distance (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Longest Distance (2013) itselft directed by Claudia Pinto Emperador, Mariella Pérez and Starring by Isabel Rocatti, Alec Whaite, Marcos Moreno, José Roberto Díaz, Malena González, Omar Moya, Alberto Rowinsky, Iván Tamayo, Carme Elias, Beatriz Vásquez which made The Longest Distance (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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