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Novena 2010 Film complet Regarder En ligne Gratuit 123complets
@ | Saturday, Nov 13, 2010 | 7 minutes read | Update at Saturday, Nov 13, 2010

Movies Detail of Novena (2010)

✓ Title : Novena
✓ Release Date : November 13th, 2010
✓ Director : Enrique Collar
✓ Companies : ASFilm, Areachika/cine
✓ Countries : Netherlands, Paraguay
✓ Cast : Bernardino Ojeda, Teodora González, Bonifacia Ortega, Juan de Dios Collar

Synopsis of Novena (2010)

Juan de Dios (55) is a Guarani poet and craftsman. The harshness and deprivations of life in the countryside, endured throughout the years, have hardened his smile and stiffened the look in his eyes. Alongside the road, the symphony of nature vanishes and paradise seems to exist no more. However, within a few men, tenderness and desire do not vanish, wishes and dreams are well alive and keep beating in the depth of their souls. Novena lets us witness in a documentary, fiction and pictorial style how those few men, genuinely incarnated in Juan, push their dreams forward.

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Well, Novena (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Novena (2010) itselft directed by Enrique Collar and Starring by Bernardino Ojeda, Teodora González, Bonifacia Ortega, Juan de Dios Collar which made Novena (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Novena (2010)

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