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Download The Prince Full Movie (2019) In Dual Audio
@ | Thursday, Aug 29, 2019 | 9 minutes read | Update at Thursday, Aug 29, 2019

Movies Detail of The Prince (2019)

✓ Title : The Prince
✓ Original Title : El príncipe
✓ Release Date : August 29th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Sebastián Muñoz
✓ Writers : Miguel Machalski, Marta Loza Alonso, Luis Barrales, Francisca Bernardi, Sebastián Muñoz
✓ Companies : Le Tiro Cine, Niña Niño Films, El Otro Film, Be Revolution Pictures
✓ Countries : Argentina, Belgium, Chile
✓ Cast : Nicolás Zárate, Juan Carlos Maldonado, Cesare Serra, Sebastián Ayala, Catalina Martin, Lucas Balmaceda, Alfredo Castro, Jaime Leiva, Paola Volpato, Gastón Pauls

Synopsis of The Prince (2019)

Chile, 1970. During a night of heavy drinking, Jaime, a lonely 20-year-old young man, is sentenced to prison. There, he meets “The Stallion”, an older and respected man in whom he finds protection, and from whom he learns about love and loyalty. But as their relationship grows stronger, “The Stallion” faces the violent power struggles within the prison.

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Well, The Prince (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Prince (2019) itselft directed by Sebastián Muñoz and Starring by Nicolás Zárate, Juan Carlos Maldonado, Cesare Serra, Sebastián Ayala, Catalina Martin, Lucas Balmaceda, Alfredo Castro, Jaime Leiva, Paola Volpato, Gastón Pauls which made The Prince (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Prince (2019)

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