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@ | Wednesday, Mar 31, 1999 | 9 minutes read | Update at Wednesday, Mar 31, 1999

Movies Detail of La position de l'escargot (1999)

✓ Title : La position de l'escargot
✓ Release Date : March 31st, 1999
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Michka Saäl
✓ Countries : Canada, France
✓ Cast : Pascale Montpetit, Dino Tavarone, Henri Chassé, Victor Lanoux, Mirella Tomassini

Synopsis of La position de l'escargot (1999)

Tunisian-born Myriam, a Sephardic beauty, lives in Montreal. Théo, her grad-student boyfriend, breaks up with her, and she's desolate. She house-sits for a friend for several weeks: during that time, her father arrives looking for her after 20 years, Théo realizes he misses her, and she meets the quirky Lou, a poetry-spouting squatter who introduces himself by clipping a lock of her hair during a movie; he later breaks into her flat to chat with her. She's angry with her father, confused by Théo, and delighted with Lou, whose free spirit and undemanding attention inspire her. Working out her feelings about her father gives her to key to decide what to do next.

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Well, La position de l'escargot (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La position de l'escargot (1999) itselft directed by Michka Saäl and Starring by Pascale Montpetit, Dino Tavarone, Henri Chassé, Victor Lanoux, Mirella Tomassini which made La position de l'escargot (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La position de l'escargot (1999)

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